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Suns over the yardarm

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McMouse | 15:36 Tue 24th May 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
time to break out the chilled sauv blanc.


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The sun is always over the yardarm somewhere McM :)

Just don't tell JJ you have Sauv Blanc
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We work to BYT here. British Yardarm Time. It's a bit of a moveable feast like Easter.
Yes please. Make mine a large one......
i really fancy a mango smoothie
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Sauv blanc is very quaffable and my local offie is doing a NZ Marlborough for under £5
Did you have to? I may now have to walk to the shop and buy some.
BM, in this weather you'd get either blown to the offy or blown home.

However, do not drop the bottles :)
lol Alba - in that case I might send the OH!!!!!!
Under £5 is a good price for NZ Sauv Blanc. Nobody does Sauv blanc like NZ these days. I`m into Pinot Grigio blush at the moment and would love one now. I`ll forego it in the interests of my liver though.
We haven't met McMouse but I'm with you!
BM, you MIGHT, goodly grief girl send him !!!
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I do ration myself to only one bottle at a time...
MM a bottle for one hand and an bottle for the other. I know your sort you tinker :D

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Suns over the yardarm

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