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Craving Potato

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albaqwerty | 15:40 Tue 24th May 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Mashed (loads of butter and S&P) with sweetcorn or a jacket potato with tuna?


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Jacket with sweetcorn, tuna and mayo. Alternative is jacket with crisp bacon and sautéed sliced mushrooms.
Mash...with loads of butter and cream.....ditch the sweetcorn.
jacket spud with tuna and sweetcorn, mash the inside first with loads of butter and s&p

there have it all :-)
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Oooh, nice thought. The only problem is sweetcorn does come out the oppositnd the same shape it went in, but it is loverly at the time.

Crispy bacon I can do, it's gently soft bacon that argues with me :) And always smoked bacon.
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You've got to chew the sweetcorn not swallow whole....that is unless you're salla.
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pmsl you two!!

I won't tell you what I can do with my teeth out, thank you :)
Oh jacket everytime, with crispy skins, yum!
Yum love jacket potato with pepper, loads of butter and cheese, crispy bacon and mushrooms not bothered about the sweetcorn. I couldn't get enough of mashed or jacket potato when I was expecting my daughter (you OK alba)?
No no no to sweetcorn - lashings of butter (unsalted) - liberal pepper - immaterial whether it's mashed or baked (tis potatoes for heavens sake) -ingested slowly and accompanied by Don Williams gently playing on the stereo.
Can I come to yours, alba?
Mash...with loads of butter, pepper and cream.....and add some fresh crab and chives....yum. Now where is a nice young red wine such as a Morgon or Fleurie to go with it.
Craving? You're not pregnant are you?

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