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30 minute orgasm

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McMouse | 16:01 Tue 24th May 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Just received an email which says, amongst other things, that pigs take 30 minutes. I know now why I love pork and bacon.


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You can also get bacon covered in chocolate!
i thought it was the boar
you dirty old sow and sows!!!!
urgh bacon covered choc, even i wouldn;t - or the ice cream (nice to see you lumi)
Nooooo, that is just WRONG.

Bacon - yum
Chocolate - yum

Together - YUCK
nice to see you too! although i wish i could also say it was nice to be back :(
You back already lum? Blimey, that went scarily fast...
tell me about it -sulks-
why can't I get this 30 minute oranism out of my mind - suggestions please
i think you should go to ann summers... hahaha
lumintion - thanks!!!!!
Does that include foreplay?
Cum off it.
crikey, enough to make your tail curl
don't think I could cope with the curly willy
ooh, welcome back lumination, doesn't time fly! (Erm, well, I suppose that's not too much of a digression on a thread about orgasms that only last 30 minutes.)

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