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Well, that was jolly. But no seagulls' eggs.

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joggerjayne | 20:50 Tue 24th May 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I took a couple of pals out today for a "thanks for being such good pals" lunch.

For Starters, I had ...

Fresh asparagus, with a fried duck's egg, and parmesan shavings.

OMG ... it was just scrummy !!!

But, apparently, if I'd been there a few weeks ago, it would have been a seagull's egg!

Still, it was really jolly.

And, after being told off last night for drinking too much ... I agreed to drive!

Yay me !!


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awww poor JJ - at least you kept your licence :)
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I don't drink and drive, tambo.

Actually, I feel quite good for not drinking.

And Cougar Town is on Sky Living +1 in five minutes, so that's jolly too.
eugh. How would you like it if a seagull offered to eat your eggs? Funny things happen on the coast and no mistake. And if the parmesan was old enough to shave it must have been quite ripe.
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This wasn't on the coast, jno.

It was up near Ascot.

That's why I drove.
I could not eat a seagulls egg, having watched them at close quarters vandalising the buildings cr*pping all over everything eating chips etc off the pavements.

Hope you had a good time JJ
What did you have for Mains?
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Yay ... Cougar Town has just started.

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Adverts !

OYG ... yeah, I know what you mean.


snags ... I had lamb cutlets. Very nice.
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AYG ... not OYG ...

Duuh me !
Whichever, I think I;ll change my name. lol
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Okay ... Cougar Town's finished. Time for beddee.


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Well, that was jolly. But no seagulls' eggs.

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