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pensioner's text talk ;o)

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sara3 | 22:07 Tue 24th May 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
ATD -at the doctor.
BFF -best friend fell.
BTW -bring the wheelchair.
BYOT -bring your own teeth.
FWIW -forgot where I was.
GGPBL -gotta go, pacemaker battery low.
GHA -got heartburn again.
IMHO -is my hearing aid on?
LMDO -laughing my dentures out.
OMMR -on my massage recliner.
ROFLACGU -rolling on floor laughing and can't get up.
TTYL -talk to you louder!


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excellent !
Question Author
sorry craft, would you like me to TTYL?
Sadly, I could use quite a few of these frequently!!
No gin & tonic..............
Very good.

Like them :D
LMDO sara :¬]
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someone posted it on Facebook, made me ROFL, but I could get up again ;o)
Give it time sara3, you'll soon be using the ACGU. Lol
sara, very good I'll keep a copy in my bag with my phone. lol

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cheers chrissa, can't wait ;o)
First bit is weak bladder syndrome.
I love it
Can we add PMSLAWWTL - Pissed myself laughing and wasn't wearing tena lady. :-(
Question Author
Jan, whatever floats your boat, lol!
very good - but gl;ad i could read it as you NTPUWAYM
I Liked this, although thank goodness they don't all apply - yet. Especially as I have just had to be HOOMFC (helped out of my friend's car) he practically had to lift me out. WWIAE (Where will it all end?)
sorry didn't give translation Need to speak up, why are you muttering?
Lady j. that should be an S then instead of a P.
By the way, I should hasten to add my friend's car is a Ta-ta and the seat is very high up, he had to give me a boost to get in and lift to get out. If he does it again I shall consider myself engaged.
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pensioner's text talk ;o)

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