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Why aren't Haemorrhoids

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McMouse | 14:38 Wed 25th May 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
called asteroids?


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Asteroids piled up?
Or arseteroids?
because uranus is outside the asteroid belt.
That reminds me, I must buy some grapes for tea.
I don't know. Why aren't haemorrhoids called asteroids?
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lol Ankou.....
You just want to show off that you can spell hemor - piles.
lol Ankou.

There's nothing starry about haemorrhoids. Apart from the shape of the hole they seem to be attached to.....
This is a real bum thread
i got haemerrhoids,diarrhoea,eczama and gonorrhoea last week,needless to say i had no trouble winning that particular game of scrabble.
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Let's all clap slinky.
my pal's little girl said her Gran had "asparagus" veins ! she meant varicose of course.
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Why aren't Haemorrhoids

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