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How do I find a grid reference for a UK location?

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10ClarionSt | 16:21 Wed 25th May 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I've been asked to provide a grid reference for a special event. I presume this is from the Ordinance Survey but I don't know how to do it or read it. Can anyone help? TIA


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Even if you did provide a grid reference, what use would people make of it? I would have thought more use would be the postcode for satnavs.
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Would a link be suitable?

If so then find the location in Google maps and click on Link (next to Print and Send) in the blue bar immediately above the map - OR use that Send option to put it directly into an email.
If you've got Google Earth, you can use that....
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A grid reference is a grid reference...........!?
if you go to and put in, for example, the post code, there is a convert button which gives you the grid reference figures.
and this site tells you how to read grid references
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How do I find a grid reference for a UK location?

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