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money saving ideas

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slinky.kate | 16:23 Mon 23rd May 2011 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
can you give any good tips on saving money,when i was peeling potatoes the other day,i thought'if there was a war on i would'nt be throwing out these tottie skins ? so today i thought i would fry them in the actifry with herbs and 1 spoon oil,they turned out as crisps.any other savers you know,just so fed up with waste.


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Keep the seeds from peppers/chilly/tomatos/courgettes etc, put them if paper envelopes to dry & plant out. Same with any flower seed heads you like.

Pkts of seeds cost £1+ for measly duff lot.
Any cash you save and you are over 16, open an ISA cash saving account and you won't pay tax on interest earned.
i use to make bread pudding with stale bread,
very easy recipe, just a couple of stale loaves, 8oz marg, 8 oz sugar, 1lb sultanas, 1tsp mixed spices.
soak bread, then drain water after an hour, mix in other stuff, into square baking tin,
bake on low gas for 3 - 4 hours
Clean your leather shoes with the inside of a banana skin, works just as well as polish.
Wipe greasy spoon sediment, from frying pan, with crust of bread & feed dog/cat/birds; saves washing & fat blocked drains.
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bread pudding sounds good
growbags are good but remember to reuse the contents next year, empty them out mix in a couple of handfuls of blood fish and bonemeal and use to fill pots... good for the bean family especially and use the empyty bags inside out to line the bottom of hangingbaskets so more water is held in the compost
stay away from the pub,
I remember on How Clean is Your House - Aggy and Karen said you could clean hessian wallpaper with a slice of bread (:o(
Get a water meter in saves me pounds, and put a plastic bag of water or a brick in toilet system.
silka - only if you live on your own - we are on a meter (Family of 3) and it costs far more than our previous house when we weren't.
I see Den , I do live on my own x
wouldnt bother to try and grow potatoes, I bought the kit completes with 4 bags and the potatoes were only the size of marbles, so to me it was a waste of money not a saving, now use bags to carry garden waste to the green bin at the front of our house.

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