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New Age Travellers

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SIRandyraven | 20:45 Wed 25th May 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
What ever happened to New Age Travellers ?
Used to be in the press all the time in my area Hampshire/Wiltshire , never a word about them these day's ...


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Wasn`t it something to do with their benefits being cut? We had lots of them in the South West. They were very good at sneaking onto pub premises in the middle of the night and nicking barrels of beer.
The parasites are still around, Avebury seems to be favourite last few years.
Perhaps, their now Old Age travellers!
A lot of them seem to live in clapped out old narrowboats on the kennet & Avon canal, and a few have a hand in the annual crop circle fiasco.
Why were they ever called travellers any way? they only travelled as far as they needed to find some pleasant piece of the country side to set up their disgusting hovels, then they were very stationary!! They caused so much damage to the West Country country side, completely destroyed acres of beautiful woodland for their bonfires and surrounded the area with derelict cars and caravans!.
New Age circa 1970-80? some will probably have joined the so-called gipsy/tinkers community scrounging off the state calling themselves 'green', the conservators of nature, Don't forget they will be about 50 years old or more by now, some living in a squat dreaming of the all hash and free love they wished they could have got, and what we thought they were all getting.
I think they are still around but after all that free love some of them must have generated quite a community by now. I heard of one group who bought a house and land as a commune somewhere in the south.
I've just come home from a week in Somerset and Wiltshire and noticed a fair few new agers. As Moonraker says, there were plenty of them on the K and A Canal. There were also some on the outskirst of Bath, Wells and Salisbury wth their assortment of converted trucks and coaches. Maybe they travel less now and unless they are in our back yards, we don't see them quite so much?
ayg - the New Age Travelllers were a mid 80s phenomenon. A bit after the 70s era. They considered themselves a backlash against the 1980s Thatcher/money era. They are probably all living in Putney now, driving 4x4s, shopping at Waitrose and holidaying in Provence (that`s apart from the small minority who became vegan and went to live in a wigwam in Wales)
The good old days when you could run backwards into a police baton and get your arm broken

Wonder if the film was destroyed or has someone kept it safe ?

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