Jumping Puppy in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Jumping Puppy

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Jalli | 21:39 Wed 25th May 2011 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
Can anyone please give me advice on how to stop our 7 month old Jack Russell puppy from jumping up. She jumps at everyone and everything, even when on a lead.....
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Jalli, she's a Jack, that's what they do!..........very excitable!..........she needs lots of excercise!................
When she jumps up, turn your back on her until she stops jumping, then reward her with a treat and lots of praise for keeping all four feet on the ground.
This worked with my JRT when he was younger, you have to keep it up though. Have to confess I didn't, so need to start again, they are very bouncy dogs!
Teach her to sit, stay, down and no. They are excitable but need to learn. My pup jumped up at me, bent my glasses and cut my eyebrow! Don't be nasty or smack her, she'll calm down with age, give her something to distract her when you think she's going to 'bounce'!
you do need to teach her basic commands, like sit, stay, and lie down, but she is a terrier, they are well known to have a strong mind of their own, are full of energy and need to be busy!...........they were bred to work after all!..........so as I said, she will need lots of excercise!.......jacks are not lapdogs!............
This might help:
but I love dogs who jump up at me and lick my ears!
good advice from the link here from Chris, but Jacks are very excitable and busy little dogs, so you need to be very patient with her, train her as best you can!.........I've had a few Jacks, my little bitch was easy!........recall was great, good with other dogs, she was a dream, the dog was a nightmare, he wanted to fight any dog he saw!.........recall was non existant!........try a I may, nothing changed!....he was hard work!...............
I have had a nosebleed off a jumping dog and DH has had a broken tooth both from our own dogs....whatever Chris may love, with respect, its a bad idea. Exercise alone won't stop the jumping, you will just end up with a very fit badly behaved dog :-( teach a solid sit and reward for that. Do you take the dog to classes?

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