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Not a question, revelation!

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hc4361 | 23:18 Wed 25th May 2011 | News
12 Answers
The Daily Mail does do some good news stories then.
This has made me smile all day long.



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Now we need something like that in the UK. Perfect for a lottery grant, I think.
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What a lovely idea.
Lovely. Great idea hc4361
a lovely story. It would be lovely to have something like that here.
Fantastic, warms the cockles of your heart!
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What a lovely lovely story :-)
I can't think of anything nicer. This man is brilliant. Must admit, I cried, but not from sadness.
see -there are some really good people in the world and whilst I don't like the Daily Mail they do often have some 'feel good factor' stories. Really good one
Makes you feel proud to be human unfortunately, his type are pretty rare in this must have/help self self world.

but good on the DM for the story.

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Not a question, revelation!

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