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"macro recording"

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Hettster | 17:38 Fri 27th May 2011 | ChatterBank
1 Answers
Sorry not the right category I know but don't know where else to put this question

In MS Word what is the function of .


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Technology might have been the right category!

Macros enable you to get a program to perform a set of actions with a single keystroke. For example, someone might be typing out lots of letters where he/she wants the key facts to be highlighted in the centre of the letter, with explanatory text before and after the important middle section.

So the typist would start the letter normally but then want (for the central section) to switch to text which was in a different font, in a larger size, indented and centred. The change would normally involve lots of separate keystrokes but, by recording that set of keystrokes as a 'macro', a single key (or combination of keys) can be programmed all at once.

Similarly, when the typist wants to revert back to 'normal' text, he/she can record a macro that lets him/her do it with just one key press.

Alternatively, regularly used phrases (such as "We thank you for your correspondence and we'll be responding in more detail shortly") can be programmed to a single key (or combination of keys).

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"macro recording"

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