reaction to Google Streetview - what i mean is if they have viewed their own house and noticed something not right about it, like a strange car in their driveway, or people/persons hanging around outside that they dont recognise, or thinking their OH is home alone, when they are not really ?? lol....
There was a story in the news about someone who had a vehicle stolen and the google streetview showed the thief in the act of hooking it up to their vehicle but the registration plate was blanked out. They were trying to get Google to reveal what the number is.
I was glad to see my house looked okay, nothing scary. though recently on the way to golf I was followed by the google camera car, so I assume they must be updating the images as the road I was on has already been googled
All I know is that the one day in about 6 years I had put a rubbish bag outside the front door for a while, was the day they decided to go down the road photographing. Gee thanks Google!
My grandson zoomed in on our house and I am sitting there with the laptop on the coffee table. I'd have put my best frock on if I had known they were coming !!
Just after her my mother's death last year, they 'published' the centre of the town where she lived and she is sat on a bench with two of her grandchildren - I've only seen it once and don't want to look at it again in case it has been updated.