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Lopsided beauty

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queencharlotte | 17:58 Fri 27th May 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Never had false eyelashes before. Decided to blue my £10 Lottery win on a set - the best. Read instructions carefully, glued one on at my dressing table, picked up the other and dropped it. Can I find the little b.? Have been on my hands and knees, with a torch. It aint fair.


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Wear an eye patch on the other eye. It might start a new trend and will draw attention to the one with the falsies.
so theres no leggy earywig laying dead on your carpet then, no? lol
its not stuck on your clothes or owt?
It's been carried off by an amorous spider!!
separate the remaining lash into little clumps and apply as lash extensions shared between both eyes they can be left on
Question Author
Thanks for your suggestions, and I do like the idea of becoming a sort of sexy Moyshe Dayan! No,Loobyloo, no little earwigs on the floor as far as I can see. Bet I see it in a couple of months when I next vacuum, almost certainly just too late.
Just wear a bowler hat, white trousers and matching jacket ...real orror show !

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Lopsided beauty

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