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A little tale from work today

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dotty. | 20:00 Sat 28th May 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
An elderly lady was picking up her Daily Mail and tutted at the headline about a burglar being let out of prison to care for his kids, she made a comment about how awful it was, i replied that it was better than them being taken into care and ending up like him, then she said, 'And what about those muslims that attacked that teacher?' I said, 'who said they were muslims?' and she said.' the Daily mail' and I said, ahh well, there you are then, how did the mail know they were muslims?' she paid and left. I think i read the AB news topic too often.


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mrs aog :)
"no I think she felt abit of a fool, I couldn't help myself lol"

JNO, making customers feel a bit of a fool is not good customer service. it's obvious from the post what the point of the conversation was.

If this had been posted from the point of view of the customer, what would have peoples reactions been then?
"making customers feel a bit of a fool is not good customer service"

Possibly not, but it aint half fun ;-)
I'll admit (being fair here...) that I may be a little grumpy about bad customer service today due to some nightmares with my letting agency this week...customers are fair play for a laugh, but not to their faces!
noooo, to their faces is the best kind, and you get extra points if you can be sarcastic with it, and they aren't sure if you're joking or not. Incidentally, im usually not.
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the woman was such a dingbat i doubt it crossed her mind that she wasn't capable of individual thought, as for customer service, I get awards for that, this was pure baiting lol
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B00 my favourite gamne is to talk down to them like they are morons, who said retail had no perks
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the latest one today was a woman whoi said the roilerbal she had bought didn;lt write properly and could I give her a free refill in the interests of good customer service, her reciept was from december 2010, flump off
to be fair dotty, 99.9% of them ARE.

you know someone's going to come on in a second and say,, it's because of those morons we have jobs, yada, yada yada, dont you?

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they can try that, but we know they're just being moronic
sounds like just a little healthy northern-style debate to me, Chuck; I get the occasional bantering disagreement with shop assistants and (as long as it doesn't involve overcharging) I find I can cope.
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'healthy northern style debate' i like that, lol
I reckon that if I worked in a shop I would try to find ways to brighten my day - but if I was on the receiving end of it (and I hope I would notice) then I wouldn't take it very well.
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I think i have developed this sing song type tone over the years that deflects any serious confrontation, coupled that with my blonde hair and dippy approach, i think custoimers think it is me that is thick like wot they are lol
Glad I don't live up north...
Aye tis grim up north ummmm, and so are we :-)
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You'd love it we have loads of pound shops and chippy teas are our idea of a good night out plus we know how to party, 2ozs of ham and some quavers and we rock
I ventured up north recently and it's beautiful. Didn't really mix with the locals though....!!
///i replied that it was better than them being taken into care and ending up like him, then she said///

Attitudes like this were what I had to grow up with being brought up in care, it makes my blood boil!
This man's children are more likely to turn to crime because of the example he has shown them.

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