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Are NATO guilty of war crimes in Afghanistan?

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Gromit | 12:06 Sun 29th May 2011 | News
7 Answers
// A Nato air strike has killed 14 people, all civilians, in south-west Afghanistan's Helmand province, local officials say.

The air strike, which was targeted at insurgents, instead struck two civilian homes, killing two women and 12 children, reports say.

Separately, 20 Afghan police and 18 civilians were killed on Wednesday in a Nato air strike in north-eastern Afghanistan, in which some 30 Taliban fighters were also killed, the governor of the province of Nuristan has told the AFP news agency on Sunday. //

Should NATO be charged with war crimes for continuing to kill civilians


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You're not guilty until convicted. Who's going to convict NATO of anything.
Question Author
// You're not guilty until convicted //

Are you sure. I am guilty of many things I have never been convicted for.
even children are trained terrorists by taliban

no, they are not specifically targeting civilians.
How many civilians and Afghan police have the Taliban killed?

In fact that is the reason that so many of our troops are being killed by their bombs, is because they are planted close to civilian compounds etc, and the powers that be insist that these bombs are defused manually rather than blown up remotely, which may cause civilian casualties.

Perhaps before Nato is charged with war crimes, there are some in this country that should be charged with treason.
Question Author
Don't be daft AOG, objecting to civilian deaths is not treason. And I didn't specify Britain I said NATO. The inept bombing is almost certainly the work of the US. Criticism of a foreign country is not treason or you would be guilty sevetal times a day.

How on earth can you construe that I was referring to you?

Did I mention your name? NO.

Did I refer to you in any other way? No.

Once again you are joining others at putting words into my mouth that I did not utter.

But then as they say, "if the cap fits wear it".

Incidentally regarding 'talking daft' perhaps instead of accusing me of doing so, you should first look nearer to home.

NATO cannot be accused of war crimes, just as the Nazi party was not accused of war crimes, one can of course accuse individuals.

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Are NATO guilty of war crimes in Afghanistan?

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