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What a Horrible Accident

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mrs_overall | 12:46 Mon 30th May 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Yesterday a christening was being held at a pub near my house. They had a bouncy castle for the kids....which blew away in the wind. Three small children have been hurt and are in hospital. I know the families and wish them all well


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That's awful. Hope they are okay.
i read that this am. mrs o. it seems one of the children was quite seriously hurt. poor things ,
I saw that too, poor kids.
Oh that is dreadful ,hope they recover ok.
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A 7 year old boy has spinal injuries, a 7 year old girl has head injuries and another little boy has a broken leg
Ouch - who hired the castle - if the pub, there will be a duty of care and HSE issue....
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I'll say it before anyone else does.....the compensation will be phenomenal
Its not the issue at the moment though - it will come. Just hope the kids are ok.
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I know, I know
Oh no Mrs O thats awful! I hope the 3 children are going to be ok x
I have just read this, what a terrible thing to happen. I wish the children a speedy recovery.

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