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Does anyone else do this?

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Stargazer | 00:12 Tue 31st May 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Pick up the telephone to alter tv channels, or pick up the remote to answer the phone, look for their spectacles when they are on top of your head, go upstairs for something and when you get there wonder what you went up to get?


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Be careful if the phone rings when you're ironing!
Frequently. It's called age. I once collected my change, put the receipt carefully in my wallet and threw the £10 note in the bin.
Oh, I think that you've just explained your mysterious 'Made in Chelsea' post to me, Stargazer ;-)
All the time Stargazer. I often forget the name of things. I said to hubby the other night "can you pass me my....... round thing....on a chain......made of gold". Do you think I could remember a locket. I also often open a new tab on the computer and then can't remember what I was going to search for. It's a downhill slope.
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that's dementia - I aint admitting to that, I'd be locked up by my kids
I once found a packet of toilet rolls in the fridge and a pound of sausages on the bathroom window sill.
That's a lifestyle choice though, Mike.
Yes. I can't remember people's names either.
Don't think my kids would notice.
Well it looks like you've joined my club, The S.M. club Star. Welcome

jem ♥
I got in the bath with my bra and specs on, sat down in the water before I realised something was not quite right.
I work in office of mixed ages and sometimes a young one will walk toward the door and suddenly wonder why they were going that way, or they might leave their post on the stationery shelf. I celebrate loudly and openly!

I also put the milk bottle in the microwave, the kettle in the fridge and the mugs in the food cupboard; all the time unable to see because my spectacles are on my head.

I think we're just too busy for today's world and its nothing to do with dementia really!!
I have a similar problem - CRS syndrome
I've been known to put my mobile phone in the fridge and put an electric kettle on a gas hob.
i'm always wondering into another department and forgetting why i went or i'll ring someone but not remember why i rang them :-(
Stargazer, Ohhhhhh yes, and much more besides. Now where did I put the dog?
Yes. It's called CRAFT (can't remember a f'ing thing)
lol Euph, I must remember that one...........errrr

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