Do I have Wifi ? in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Do I have Wifi ?

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modeller | 08:52 Fri 03rd Jun 2011 | Technology
9 Answers
My Belkon router has aerials but I connect it with an ethernet cable. I also have a spare wireless mouse which works OK althouh I prefer to use an ordinary cable connected mouse. However does that mean my desktop PC is WIFI enabled and I would be able to use a Kindle ereader or any Laptop wirelessly. Or do I need to find a WIFI hotspot in my area. ?
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If the router has aerials then yes it's wireless and a kindle or or wireless laptop will work with it..

A wireless mouse is totally different.
If your router has aerials it is usally wireless enabled.

However most desktop pc's are not and need an add on card, most modern laptops are wireless. You usually need a password to connect to the wireless sent out by your router,
What would be the point in having a desktop WIFI enabled......you not going to take it anywhere .........sorry i am not an IT expert.......but just wondered?
@ squad - what if the power socket is nowhere near you router and you dont want to trail cables ;-)
> My Belkon router has aerials

OK, that means it is almopst certainly Wi-Fi.

> but I connect it with an ethernet cable.

That means you're not using the Wi-fi.

> I also have a spare wireless mouse which works OK althouh I prefer to use an ordinary cable connected mouse.

Nothing to do with Wi-fi whatsoever.

> However does that mean my desktop PC is WIFI enabled

No, it means your router is wireless enabled. Your PC probably isn't.

> and I would be able to use a Kindle ereader or any Laptop wirelessly.

Yes, because they will connect via Wi-fi to your router - not your desktop PC.

> Or do I need to find a WIFI hotspot in my area. ?

No, you don't.
DB_7......I told you that I wasn't an IT expert ;-)
If you can connect to your router using an ethernet cable you will probably receive faster data transfer than wireless. I use a wifi dongle in my desktop as it's in a different room now. When it was hardwired it was faster....
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Thanks for all your answers and you are right the wireless mouse does work without the router being switched on , so how does it connect with the PC ?
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Sqad // What would be the point in having a desktop WIFI enabled......you not going to take it anywhere // Quite right but I would want to take the kindle, a laptop or a tablet down the garden.

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