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Dee Sa | 17:13 Sat 04th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Well I tried ! but once having been married to a gambler I know all about losing !
pls work out my meagre winnings £5 EW on her maj's horse @9/4 for me, and its back to bingo next week.


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You'll get about £7.50 back, I think
you bet e/w on a 9/4 ...?

a useful tool for betting .
I make it £7.81 which is precisely £7.81 more than I won, well done.
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mick I know nothing about horse racing just took advice of a fellow A/Ber,explain why I should not have done that.pls.
Firstly, Dee the OMFG , was because the Swiss scored :0(
not aimed at you.

i wouldn't bet on an e/w chance, unless it got at least my money back, if it did get placed.
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thanks but I am still a little hazy as it would mean I would have to work it out in the bookies ! luckily I only bet on the National and the Derby.
You usually get about 1/4 or 1/5th of the odds for a place on an each way bet Dee. So if the horse comes second or third you need the odds to be about 5-1 or more to get your money back. Anything less than that, just go for a win only bet.

You get about £7.50 back on your bet but it cost you £10.
hi dee sorry that you had the misfortune to be married to a gambler that is awful i just post my tips as a bit of fun and if people can win then that is great..but i always say [if folk ask] is dont bet more than you can afford to lose..and dont chase your losses...i do have some good luck...and some good tips...and i love to share my good fortune with you all...but sometimes there is some ''bad luck'' or just some awful horses as well lol they say ''lifes a gamble''.......
ps dee sa...i dont view myself as a gambler in the slightest...i own my own,succesful window and conservatory fitting company,live in an ''affluent'' part of stoke [if there is one lol]...and i have served queen and country in ireland and in them 2 countries i did gamble with my life lol...was it worth it when i look back??? was it rather back a few

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