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Off to Plymouth this week end.............

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10ClarionSt | 16:38 Thu 02nd Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
.............for our annual memorial for all those lost on HM Ships Glorious, Ardent and Acasta in June 1940. Click on the link below to see my compilation tribute to all those men. ope you don't mind me posting it.


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Not at all 10. Hope all goes well.
Good for you 10Clarion St ! A worthwhile tribute to a load of brave Men.
My father served in the Royal Navy.... apparently he was a bit of a rebel in his time so he'd have approved of anyone taking on the faceless ones in high places... And sadly so often in conflict lives are lost to either incompetence or expediency I don't know which is worse...Hope your weekend s as much a celebration of their lives as a memorial to their deaths
In Peace remembrance
Ooops was just about to scrawl a bad joke about Plymouth as a city (we Cornish so love them says he tongue in cheek).

Enjoy your weekend though - hopefully the sun stays for you. It's gorgeous this evening.
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thats was so well done, congratulations on all your effort, made me cry, such a big loss of lives so many families affected. May they all rest in peace knowing that their countrymen & women salute them.
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Off to Plymouth this week end.............

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