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House - Pupil - Pupil - House

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joggerjayne | 17:37 Mon 06th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Does a school house mould the pupils it turns out?

Or do the pupils mould the house?

(I'm not a parent, so my experience of this is a little rusty)


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Aah ... at last ...

AYG illustrates the point in question.

So did the pupils in Rievaulx gravitate towards sports because they were put into Rievaulx house, which had a reputation for being sporty?

Or did Rievaulx end up with a reputation for being sporty because a lot of pupils who were already sporty just happened to be put into Rievaulx house?
was this for the boys race then? Gran....
Lol no DT it was all girls. No boys around,.......... well maybe in the cross country.

We were put in individual houses when we started at the school, I was always in the school sports events even at my junior school, however I think a few of the girls swapped over to join the club so to speak because we were always winning the trophy. I couldn't say for sure because some of them were good swots too. But Vera Fletcher was a swot ( and she wore Thermogene under her vest) but she was wet as well.
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We were not put into houses until removes (year ... 9??).

So by the time we were put into houses, the house mistresses knew what sort of pupils we were (which fuels the "type of house" theory).

Having said that, even in lower school (years 7 + 8), you boarded in a the dorm of a particular house. It was unusual to be placed in a house different from the one in which you'd boarded for the previous two years. So that blows the theory.

So ... no progress there, then.

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House - Pupil - Pupil - House

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