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Sunday times concise no 1211

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addled | 10:53 Tue 07th Jun 2011 | Crosswords
9 Answers
2d Freshwater fish (5) i - a - -
11a It can be cold in the workshop (6) - - - e - l

Stuck on these last ones
1a may be incorrect clue is
Blatant (6) - - - e - t


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is the i correct? cannot find a freshwater fish beginning with i
Think it might be loach
Question Author
No i might be wrong
WIth the h from chisel is could read - - a-h
any better?
might be roach
Question Author
then 1a is wrong clue: blatant (6) - l - e - t that's if loach is correct
2d Roach

11a Chisel

1a Brazen
Question Author
sorry roach might be the fish so that would make letters in 1a - r - e-t = blatant
Question Author
Thanks to all of you. Much appreciated.

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Sunday times concise no 1211

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