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Dee Sa | 07:13 Tue 07th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
good morning again one and all, pls can someone explain what an X Box is and does ? my grandaughter is bring my great grand son over tomorrow and she said on the phone- he wont want to stay long unless you have an x box ????? well I dont intend to buy one but it would be nice to make out I know all about them to a 9 year old.just out of interest how much do they cost ?


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Someone will explain better than me but here goes,

It's a game console and can be connected to the internet whereby one can purchase a membership of varying duration and the game can be played online with other x-box users.
here is the wikipedia entry
I would not be too happy if my daughter said my grandson won't stay long unless I have an x box. It sounds as if he is on it in all his spare time . My grandson has an x box but is restricted to when and how long he is on it and he is nearly 9 .That is my opinion I think children are sitting at these games too long.
Take him outside and show him the wonders of your garden or the local park. Being tied to an x box when visiting relatives is not a good thing.
to answer your question, about £200 to buy an XBOX, with a basic game and Kinect. the Kinect is what everyone loves. you set it up and it has motion sensors, so you stand in front of it, and it reacts to your body movements. you don't hold anything in your hands. for example, you can do exercises (if you have that disc) and it knows how well you're doing.. very clever!
It is addictive, unfortunately, which is why your grandson will not stay long! If you buy one you will be feeding his addiction and he still will not be with you as he will be in front of the X Box.
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The xbox is not a games console, its a religious experience.
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thanks for all your answers to enlighten me.I have no idea what my greatgrandson does with his spare time, his mother [ my grandaughter] and I have not spoken for over two years and this visit is to try and make things better, I just thought if I could talk to him about modern things it might improve my image as a supergran.
Dee Sa sorry to hear about your upset. I did not mean to criticize as I see what you mean but these boxes are additive to children. Some parents that I know just let their children sit on them so they get peace and quiet but as Sara3 says there are quite interesting games on them. Hope your rift with your grandaughter heals as life is too short for disagreements especially when it involves grandchildren and in your case great grandchildren.
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thank you wendilla, lets hope it works out, trouble is my grandaughter has my genes and we are both stubborn !we have two dogs and I know the lad will want to take them for a walk and we have a nice park nearby so I am hoping for the best, lets hope it doesnt rain.
sorry booldawg, my bad :)

Dee, tell the soul he's going to have more fun outside than stuck indoorss.

Apologies for not answering second part, a new one can range from 250-300 but has been mentioned £60 for a 2nd hand one. However beware the red-eye

It's ansty red cricle which tootles merrily around the on/off button
nasty even chunky fingers

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