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Jackson in Emmerdale

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ladybird49 | 18:44 Tue 07th Jun 2011 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
What was in the drink aaron gave him ? i missed the last episode


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All of his tablets, I think............
18:47 Tue 07th Jun 2011
I didn't see it being prepared but assume not exactly a love potion
All of his tablets, I think............
it didn't say for obvious reasons they don't want to be responsible for any copy cast instances do they
you take take a wild guess its not hard
gin and bitter lemon. No ice.
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Thankyou jackthehat
What ever was in it it seemed like that Aaron lad had a bit also coz he ran off throught the fields then spat it back out over the fence!
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that was too much gin, Gordons does that to one....ask the Ramsey.
sales of kleenex inE'Dale village shop will be up
would have been more apropos if they had dispatched the runt off to it stands, thats two of them out, one dead, one for muerder and maybe Hazel is off as she is a serious accomplice.

What next, the landlady of the pub being done for the murder of the vet woman and the Polis getting it wrong, with the Press and ABers convinced and damning her as guilty, when she evidently wasn' per Bristol and Yates.

Just runied the plot line, sorry.
stonemason and the Vicar will also make some money too.

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Jackson in Emmerdale

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