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Random acts of unkindness

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sp1814 | 15:47 Tue 07th Jun 2011 | News
11 Answers
After the poppy-burning incident by the Muslim fanatics (aka 'trouble-making <expletives>') last year, should we REALLY be agreeing with some of these Daily Mail readers that (effectively) attacks on Muslims of any descent are, to an extent, deserved?

And why target a Somalian mosque when the poppy-burners were of Pakistani descent?



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To some people, anyone with a dark skin is fair game.
nope. Not that I agree with Mail readers about anything very much.
It beggars belief. What a horrible place his head must be to live in.....
without sounding flippant, i doubt there was much meat left, he sems to have eaten quite a lot of it. i wonder if he is an obesity and lung cancer burden on the nhs.
I get the daily Mail delivered ever day. I tend not to read the news items or read them with my cynical hat on.

It has a good TV guide, cartoons, competitions and pull-out puzzle section in the middle.
This is an example of the stupid "tit for tat" mentality that starts a lot of problems in society and the world.
Well sp as a Daily Mail reader, what do you think?
He'd better watch there isn't a FATwa out on him :-)
They have a point that it isn't racism since it isn't to do with race; but religious belief. And IMO a gaol sentance would be over the top. But an act of such deliberate offence should have resulted in more than an apology, I think. As the offense was towards the Muslim community, perhaps a period of community service within the Muslim community might have been appropriate, and help understanding/education.
A mere storm in a teacup. Why should this idiot have been jailed for shoving some ham into shoes when a bunch of Muslim hooligans almost caused a riot in Luton? last year when our heroic service personnel were marching through after laying their lives on the line in Iraq+Afghanistan?

Don't remember those Muslims being jailed?
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