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McMouse | 12:49 Wed 08th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Should be having my op today, but they cancelled admission yesterday when they discovered the surgeon was on holiday. No slots available for at least two weeks and could be even longer.


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Sh1te happens unfortunately McM. I was wondering how you were getting on :-(

It's awful when you get yourself all psyched up for the op, then "cancelled".
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Was pretty stressed yesterday salla but have now calmed down. Problem now is even if they get a theatre slot for my surgeon they have to line it up with a bed in ICU for at least 2 days.
Sorry to hear this McM - wouldn't you have thought that someone would have known doc was on hols? Does he not have a secretary handling his diary?
More than likely the consultant made his holiday 'last minute' or on a whim. They do that :-(
Cheer up mate......bloody annoying I know.

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