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It hasn't rained today ...yet!

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abstibus | 13:21 Wed 08th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
'nuff said!


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It has here...
and here (berkshire). A lot.
And here. But I am pleased about that because it means I don't have to water the garden tonight!!
Here too!
Question Author
Every day in May bar one, and all of June so far! And I have a blocked gully - make of that what you will!
Global warming should be done for false advertising... ;0)
Where are you Annemollie? We hardly had any rain at all in May (until the last bank holiday). I was getting really concerned about the garden.
Could i have some washing up liquid bottles and some sticky back plastic to go with the gully?
We have had a monsoon here today (Merseyside) with hailstones. Couldn't see to drive. Honest!
Raining in Dublin...again haha
I'm thinking Caernarvon castle. Or perhaps the Tower of London.
We have had rain here in Buckinghamshire
and here
It has just started raining here in Hertfordshire - but the sun is still out!
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In N Ireland. Rained here but dry half a mile away. I'm beginning to take it personally, as this is the first time in 9 years I have been here in May/June.
had VERY HEAVY downpours in between sunny spells in Edinburgh
I have had to put the heating on for a bit though, but it doesnt take much for that..

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It hasn't rained today ...yet!

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