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Seatwave tickets

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Ric.ror | 13:08 Tue 07th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
I have two Placido Domingo tickets I cannot use and a friend recommended Seatwave - has anyone any experience of this company?


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They're not brilliant ric.ror , a bit greedy and inefficient but they're not illegal or anything. Some reveiws here.

Can I suggest you ask the venue whether they can resell for you before you do anything? If not check out other options like selling to a friend, selling on ebay, and all the other resale sites. There's GetMeIn which is part of Ticketmaster, viagogo, and many others.
I don't know if they do classical music but Scarlet Mist is very good - a genuine fan resale site.

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Seatwave tickets

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