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Banks on a sunday?

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Skithepowder | 11:39 Sun 16th Oct 2005 | Business & Finance
4 Answers

Are there any banks that have branches open on a sunday?



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If you live near Bluewater, Dartford, Kent (DA9) then yes.
It's likely that all of the banks' branches in there are open Sundays. (I've only checked two)

The rest of them have call centres open on Sundays.
Lloyds have plans to open on Sundays, but as to which ones, you'll have to ask them.
this is very ambigious as banks are not permitted to trade on Sundays, they can however provide back up ie call centres etc but not open a branch. That is the whole existance of cashpoints so we can get money.  Also, if they were permitted it would only be 6 hours as that is all the shops are allowed to trade.  This goes back to when the country was governed by the Christian Churches.
bracknell, if banks are genuinely not allowed to trade on Sundays, is that limited to selling?
Does it leave it as OK to allow customers to pay in and withdraw cash/cheques?

Either way - whatever is supposed to be allowed, there ARE branches open in Bluewater.

So there. ;-)

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Banks on a sunday?

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