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Does the EU need a leader?

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R1Geezer | 20:56 Thu 09th Jun 2011 | News
15 Answers
His Tonyness thinks so. I thought old Rumpy Pumpy was president anyway!


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It looks like Tony is promoting himself for the job. After the mess he left Gordon with as Prime Minister I think we should ignore him. We are a sovreigncy, the Queen has our allegience not some united states of europe. I understand his thoughts of the rise of China and India as new superpowers, but the man seems to stir up discontent where ever he goes,
Van Rumpuy is President in name only, he has very little power, the eqivelent to say Mayor of Europe. Blair is talking about, and wants a federal leader (the eqivalent of a Prime Minister or Chancellor or Europe).

That would mean Europe spoke with one voice, but I cannot see it working.
Tony "let's suck America's @rse" Blair couldn't run a f*ck up in a brothel IMO.
(I bet that surprised you R1GitMafbog !)
I would've thought a panel with a member from every country involved is much more practical. Mind you, imagine the arguments!
Before Van Rumpuy, each member state held the Presidency for 1 year. It was fair but not really very coherant or practical.
NO they need putting up against a wall blindfolded.
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I'm surprised he's given so much attention when he comes out with his views. He was a failed politician in foreign affairs which proved his judgement to be faulty. Maybe the Chilcot enquiry will come to the same conclusion.
UK needs a leader to lead us out of the EU.
/// UK needs a leader to lead us out of the EU.///

Couldn't agree more, but not to worry both Cameron and Clegg will be banished by their respective parties to the backbenches , come the next election.
There is 4 years to go to the election. Why would Cameron (I concede that Clegg might not last the distance) be kick onto the back benches?

You are not predicting a Labour win are you AOG?
It's not a single country, it needs no president.
Make Liz Queen of Europe with full succession rights.

That will teach the dynasties like the Hapsburgs to have messed around with us historically....

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Does the EU need a leader?

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