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ive done it again

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Dee Sa | 09:12 Fri 10th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
started to run a bath then got engrossed in Chatterbank only when I started to read a thread that mentioned the word bath ...... did I remember, good job we have a decent overflow but the water is stone cold, will have to wait now for immersion to heat up and try again.Will I never learn ?


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I've got my water charged on a meter so I am ultra careful not to leave any taps dripping leave alone running into a bath. I am really stingy when it comes to paying for water, electricity and gas.
ha ha it proves chatterbank is addictive ! x
Bath on a friday! What, every friday?
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I was ill yesterday with some form of food poisoning, so really needed one today and I changed the sheets on the bed too.Luckily we are not on a water meter but recently have been charged £450 by the Water Board to change the pipes outside our house in the street, the whole street had to pay !I thought the local council were responsible for pipes outside your home but obviously not.

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ive done it again

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