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oooo, the white spce on the AB homepage hs been filled.........

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dotty. | 14:44 Fri 10th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
with a video guide on how to ask question on AB. Seven years too late : (


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How to ask a question from the homepage actually....

If you ask your question from the home page it gives you a drop down list of the categories...
Question Author
so, why is that then? Isn't that the reverse of how ab works?
No...when new users join they mainly join to ask a question (real new users) having the drop down list would help them post in the right category.
Question Author
ahhhhh, so, can we have a choice of home page then for none new users I wonder?
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It's not on mine Trim....but then I am special :-)
Question Author
that command was directed at the ed not me i assume/? Cos i can do fek all about it
Not on mine either. All seems fine.
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LOL " FAIL" - totally agree, that poll should have done its job days ago - put the vid there.
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Mines in the box where the writing is.
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Mine's the same as Trim's - all outta whack, misplaced and spasticated. love me really :-)

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oooo, the white spce on the AB homepage hs been filled.........

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