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what did he do?

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Dee Sa | 08:57 Sat 11th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I watched channel 4 comedy at the O2 for Gt Ormond St hospital last night, two of the comedians mentioned quite deliberately that they didnt agree with the sacking of Andy Grey [?] the Sky sports commentater for something he did outside the tv studio.
What did he do ? that they felt so strongly about that shouldnt have been sacked, enlighten me pls.


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that they felt so strongly about that shouldnt have been sacked, enlighten me pls.

did they?
I only caught the last bit but I'm sure (as comics do) they were taking the Fosters.
Question Author
thank you all, and no there were not taking the pee but trying to get the audience to agree with them !
Gray hardly committed the crime of the century - he mocked a female referees assistant and was caught off camera making a suggestive comment towards a female colleague (the sort of things which goes on every day in workplaces countrywide)

He was disliked at Sky and it gave them a good excuse to get rid of him
Dee Sa....why were they sacked?

Male sexist banter which they thought was "off air" but was actually "on air".
Question Author
well if it was on air then he deserved what he got, buI would rather not get into this argument its just that I am a nosey *art !

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