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stokemaveric | 17:16 Sat 11th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
defense of duress [non runner]
fred willets WON 5/1
shere khan 4th 3/1...oh well not bad really....


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Some crazy results today Stokie (unless you had Ryan Moore in a lucky 31)
Our local bookies was cleaned out when a horse named after the "village" next to us won at Chester..Returned at 4/1 :-)
Yoohoo, I did Lexi's Hero and got 33/1 3.15 at York so I'm happy tonight.
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nice to see the bookies getting a hammering wba lol..well done jan thats a brilliant should start tipping on here lol x
Wish I could do it more often stokey.
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not very often that happens tho jan..hope you enjoy your winnings..very well done...
Nice 5-1 winner. Keep them coming.
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hope you had a decent ''wedge'' on it starrs lol...
I picked Fred Willets thanks to you but couldn't find any winners myself. Looking forward to Royal Ascot now, keep the tips coming in Stoke.

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