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Come in please Doc....

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mrs.chappie | 17:10 Sun 12th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Was that really Puss playing the banjo? Wow, what a talented lass you have there! (Unless you're winding us up....are you, ya bu88er?)

I really enjoyed that little clip.


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He is a rascal and no mistake, had me totally taken in.
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It is entertaining, Puss. (Take a rolling pin to Doc and bash him on the bonce a few times).

I thought it might be another woman in the clip, rather than you. Thanks for putting us in the picture.
It was you in the picture, mrs.c? Well, I never.
thudddddddddddddddddddddd ☺
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Lol @ ttfn. :o)

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Come in please Doc....

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