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Do you play a musical instrument?

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beso | 10:23 Sun 12th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
I sing in a small time band mostly specialising in backing vocals and harmonies


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Not bad on the spoons and washboard - not at the same time that would be dangerous
Yes bravo Doc x

I used to play truant........... and the Oboe !
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oh im sure you could manage both mamya, just a little bit of coordination is all you need! ;o)
May have a go later. might fall off the draining board though.
Hi looobs, you know you can play on the strings of my heart anytime.
Firt alert, Hi Carlton xxx
You messed that up didn`t you mamya?
I did rather yes.
hello bill,
how ya diddling?!
sooo, what would you like me to play then, on those heart strings of yours? ;o)

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