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A Happy Medium.

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Englishbird | 16:52 Thu 13th Oct 2005 | Body & Soul
20 Answers

I only feel alive when I'm doing 20 things at the same time, at that point where you don't think you can physically or mentally do any more.  If I'm not doing things at 100 miles an hour - I do nothing. But surely this amount of stress isn't good for you.  How you do you find a happy medium.  I was in therapy for about a year and this was a theme that kept coming up - all or nothing - I know I do it, and I know I shouldn't, but that seems to be the only way I function. 



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I know a fair few people like that and I'm like that with everything I do.  I'm either fully into it or I'm not interested.

I guess its not a bad thing as long as you can switch every now and then.

Red x

Ha ha, I found someone like me.  Always being told to slow down, always doing about 10 things at the same time.  If sitting still to long, get agitated and bored.  I think its my star sign Gemini !!!!!!!!!!! and if I'm stress free, something must be wrong.  I will be looking at your replies, to help find that happy medium.

Are you ever able to just switch off? I know a couple of people who are like this and are making themselves ill. One of them had quite a serious operation last year and was told she must take 6 weeks bed rest afterwards. Of course, she was zooming around the first day she was out of hospital and ended up making herself really ill. I have asked them both whether they would ever contemplate just spending some time sitting in the park daydreaming and watching the ducks and they look at me like I'm mad!

Do you have any insight into why you feel the need to live at top-speed? One of my speedy friends did once admit to me that she liked to always be doing something or throwing herself into something because it prevents her from thinking. She is basically quite unhappy and she says if she had nothing to do she'd start thinking about her life. Maybe you should discuss this in therapy. There's nothing wrong with being a very dynamic person, but I think it could get unhealthy if you never physically or mentally veg out.

I am not saying this is your problem, but people who are manic depressive are like that.

They have a period of being manic where they cant sit still, then thet flip over into depressive when they cant even get out of bed, then go into a manic stage again.

There are tablets you can get to control it. Probably caused by too much chemical in the brain.

I'm exactly the same. Monday and Tuesday this week I did nothing. Watched TV and read. Wednesday I painted my spare room, did the shopping, worked for 9 hours, cleaned out my kitchen cupboards, ran about 50 errands, and ended up wandering round Lakeside at 10 o'clock at night because I was bored...

If you find a happy medium, please tell me how!
And on a lighter note..........If there are any mediums out there I`ve got some lovely dresses size 12/14 if anyone`s interested!

I am a bit like this too.  I find it difficult to motivate myself when I have less to do.  However, I think it is a problem that has been around for a while, and if it works for you and you are not ill, why should it be an actual 'problem'?  We are all different.

Ever heard of the phrase: "Want something done?  Ask a busy person."?  This is all tooooo true.  Don't worry about it, just go for how you function and don't let people who are not like us and can't function as efficently or productively as us put you down and tell you you have a problem when the real problem is that you doing all the things you do, the speed you do them at and the quality that you do them to makes them feel bad about themselves.

As Nike says:  "Just do it" (or in our case, just do those.)

I love being a busy fast moving person.  It's great and life is never dull.  Look at the pros, not the cons.  Drink lots of cammomile tea and stay off the caffeine, that way, when you do sleep, it'll be good sleep.

I agree mimififi; life is never dull for me either. I like to be on the ball the whole time.  I like working to a goal where I can finally rest, knowing it's all done.  Time management, multi-tasking, all of that keeps your brain in gear.  I get a bit impatient when I see time being wasted unproductively.  I am normal, just like English bird, am not depressed in the slightest and love my life. And I'm a Scorpio, if that helps.
If you are deep down happy like that and don't become ill then that's probably normal for you. It is possible to become hooked on the adrenalin rush that comes from that kind of lifestyle though. Do you find yourself putting things off until the last minute so that what could be a routine activity becomes crisis management?
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All good points (arguably with the exception of elvis ;o)

I have suffered from depression in the past but I don't think that this cycle I get myself in to is part of manic depression.

Hand on heart I do like to be a bit of a martyr. 'look at me aren't i wonderful, i'm doing all this' type bollox.

I don't think it is a problem as such but do wish that I could be a bit calmer and motivate myself to do the little things. In therapy they teach you that anything can be changed, including thought processes. I do think I could change if i set my mind to it .... but maybe secretly I don't want to .....

I have suffered from depression and still do.  I tends to go in cycles and is not really related to my ways of doing things.  Depression, in my case, is more to do with brain chemistry so it is a bit different.

Although I do things fast and sometimes prefer to work to crisis rather than keep on top, I do have things that I remain a bit kinda funny about re routine.  I like to work to the way of running the house, that way I have time to do cool stuff at 100mph, and not have to worry about the housework.

mimififi!! you are a flychick!! so am I albeit a bit of an old boiler fowl at my age

Hey Coooool!  Whenever I mention it to anyone irl or ivl, they think Im a lunatic.

I love flylady, and I have the tunic and the timer, and the calendar stickers.  man, they are just the best!

I haven't bought the stuff because the import costs are way too high, (I am in the UK) but love her systems, they are literally life changing..I know its silly but i get a huge buzz when i get a mission in my inbox and have done it already!!

I just love the whole "only do for 15 minutes".  It's right up my street, that way I can get on and do loads of stuff because I don't have to overdo.

I love the testimonials too.  I love my control journal and laying out my clothes before bed.  It's just fab and the best bit is the bathroom swish and swipe,  Genious.

I have her clingy above my laundry basket to remind me to do!  It's like having a virtual mum!  It's so cool to find another flybaby!

mimififi Flying in West Sussex.

yes swish and swipe is good and a D'oh, why didn't I think of that?

Its was the decluttering that really got me turned on!


I'm the same and a gemini! I'm either doing 20 million things, very busy...aka sometimes a lil stressy and tired but very happy generally or doing nothing, walloweing, being bored and unhappy...feeling useless! I definititely prefer the first! If it's just how you are and you're coping don't change! My friends know I'm all crazily busy and know I wouldn't be any other way!

Woofgang:  Yes, Yes, Yes!  I used to be a real collector of all things useless  Now I can barely stand to keep things.  I am just a super fling boogie expert and just toss, toss, toss esp on anit procrast days!  If anything stays in the cupboard for longer than a month and isn't used (with the exception of seasonal things, like christmas trees), I'm afraid it ends up at goodwill!  It's great.  I still have a long way to go, but it is such a motivation.  Anyone who hasn't, really should go read Mrs Flylady!!!!!

Mimififi and Woof, I am intrigued by flylady.  I'll be looking her up this week so I will know what the heck you mad fools are on about.

I think you are right Woofgang; I do have a tendency to put things off in order that I am rushing rather than finishing something and having to wait around, if you see what I  mean....backwards logic, that's me.  I  have personally always felt my way of getting things done stems from my previous career as a chef.  We were constantly understaffed and working to a time schedule, having to get it all done.  I still bear the burn  scars to my arms from the accicents I had when rushing in a busy kitchen !

oooooh, you'll like Mrs Flylady, she doesn't do busy Kitchens.

She only does quiet, calm serene kitchens which bless the house and everyone in it... Just genious. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, genious.

(However, how guilty do I feel? the rain has left me behind with the laundry as I can't get a thing dry and my sink was shined tonight by my son! Why? because i was busy putting out not just a small fire, but a raging inferno on my upstairs landing....quick, I need the timer. i can do anything for 15 minutes, Unfortunately tho, that extends to AB time too, so I guess it's good night from her and it's good night from me..........Enjoy.)

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