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micmak | 20:11 Thu 09th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
As I hope i will get more replies.

My car is due it's first MOT next month. All the servicing has been done at the main dealers. So do I put it back to the main dealer for next service and MOT or do I put it in the local garage which I know will be much cheaper?


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Put it in a garage that you can trust or has been recommended to you. If it is still in warranty then they need to use your cars branded spares to maintain the warranty but if it three years old it is probably out of warranty. It does not have to go to the main dealer as long as the correct spares are used.
Did you buy the car from the main dealer ?
When I bought my car,I was given a voucher for free MOT for as long as I have the car
provided all servicing is carried out by them.
Some of the answers will be funny though, micmak, or even facetious. You pays your money and you takes your chance!!
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I bought the car from the main dealer with a 3 year warranty. This runs out on July 24th when the MOT is due. It has always been serviced at the main dealer where I bought it from. My Question really is should I carry on with the main dealer or go local? It has been suggested that after warranty has run out the man dealer just rips you off.
Check all bulbs are working before the mot.
The point I was trying to make is that you needn't have taken it to the main dealer for the past three years just to keep the warranty going. This is what the dealers like you to think and they usually charge top bucks. As long as the garage doing the service uses named parts the warranty is still good.
We have bought new Honda cars and sold them back to our Honda garage every three years before the first MOT is due. The servicing has been done by the Honda garage.who stamp the log-book for the warrenty and service records, I think because of this we have usually had a good deal when buying the next model. Having said that the servicing is expensive, More expensive than an ordinary garage. We used to have an annual service fee of around £380 but it has doubled this year. At the end of the day micmak.when you sell your car the buyer will be looking to see if the car looks and goes alright, whether the service book is stamped by Joe Bloggs or Lamborgini..
local garages can rip you off as well, if you choose to take it local go by word of mouth as a lot of garages are out to con you.
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Thanks for your answers. I will think about what to do next. I have not had any problems with the car, so I am reluctant to trade it in, but i will think about it.
After my warranty ran out I changed to a local garage, he is a friend too though, I trust him totally and haven't had a problem, I think that if you're thinking of changing yourself, then ask around, word of mouth is a wonderful thing, you may find a really good mechanic, and save lots of cash!..............Good Luck with it!........
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