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I know I,m pathetic

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giveup | 14:34 Wed 15th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I have got raging toothache. I realise other people have got problems hundreds of times worse than this but at present its no consolation. Only 2 hours until my next paracetamol.


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You aren't being pathetic - toothache is the pits - does a cyberhug help?
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Thanks for all your sympathetic posts, off to bed for an hour to have a suffer.
Ha ha, Welshy- never thought of that! No, have a full set and they're real ones- guess I'm very lucky re toothache. But DID have a lot of earaches when I was a kid.
you poor thing, very painful :( steg, while you are about. are things ok with your lot ?
Paracetamol? Forget it. Get yourself down the pharmacy and demand co-codamol. As a recent abscess (now big hole in leg) sufferer, you can't go wrong with a bit of codeine.
hi anne,
things are fine just now thanx, we have been told that she has a 1% chance of making 5 years but they are looking on her being the 1% as she is doing so well just now
thanks for answering steg, i dont want to intrude but will keep " things " in my thoughts. i hope heather is well :0

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I know I,m pathetic

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