Just watched 60 min makeover whilst eating lunch. If I came back to that house that was on today I would cry in distress.
Nothing to do with my question though, or rather a couple of questions.
Do you dress your beds? Do have have cushions, throws, etc. etc. all beautifully and strategically places as they do in all these makeover programmes etc. Personally, I just have a quilt cover and pillow cases!! However, when we went on holiday the bed was dressed perfectly and apart from finding it really tiresome getting into bed, whatever do you do with all the paraphanalia at bedtime? I didn't want to put the holiday cottage stuff on the floor, so it all went on top of the wardrobe and stayed there for a week!!
I just couldn't be bothered with making a bed up like that every day. Why would you.
Lottie you do make me giggle...I have a big bolster cushion (so my OH stays away!!) a throw (for furry Lottie during the day) and a cushion (to rest my head on when I read...everything has a purpose but I know what you mean :-) But gotta make the bed cosy for my lovely labrador so she is comfy looking out of the window !!
But of course Barb. Dogs and cats come before husbands!! It is very often both dog and cat together on the bed. By the way, dog has only just decided to get up - getting near dinner time!! x
Lottie, no, certainly not. I might have a cushion. When we were on holiday in Morocco last year, we could barely get in the bed each night for rose petals, swans made out of bathrobes, pillow hearts - etc. The chambermaids made up a different pattern every night. Unpicking it took ages!
I'm with Marval. Working on the principle that my bed was very comfy when I got out of it, then why should I change things by re-making it? (Unfortunately, my wife doesn't agree with my way of thinking!!) ;-(
Yeah lottie, me too - every house I've bought (apart from one brand new one) has been a bit of a tip - that way you get a decent price because no-one else wants it. I've sold loads of houses, never had a problem getting a buyer - my house presented for selling bears no relation to how I live normally ;o). The times I've stood in Tesco trying to buy the shiniest of Oranges or the right shade of green apples.........
Annie, I wouldn't know where to put all the clutter if I had to make my cottage look reasonable for sale. I think I will have to live here until I drop dead and let someone else have the problem of selling!!