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Brain Colour Test

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boxtops | 21:35 Wed 15th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I've done this many times before, but it always takes several goes before my brain gets the hang of what's needed.... http://www.humorspher...un/8787/colortest.swf


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Haven't done that in years. Good fun tho.

75% sharp and at this time of evening, I'm chuffed :D
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I got 38% - 0% - 50% - 100% when I got the hang of it!
took me a couple of attempts but got 75% (lets ignore the 'shameful scores)
ha, i got 100%, yay
I got 88% second time!
-- answer removed --
I got 100% (third time though).
One wrong
i never made any mistakes, yet i only got 50%, its not rocket science, just have to follow colours
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It's making your mind click the colour of the word, not the colour described in the word, which does my head in.
managed 88%, must be pot luck


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