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cupid04 | 15:34 Thu 16th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
locate me the thread, about words you have trouble with. Thanks.


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This one? http://www.theanswerb...s/Question250447.html

If you put "Words you have trouble with" in the red search bar at the top you'd be able to find it. Keep it in mind for the next time you're looking for something.

Question Author
Thanks for trying to help, but it was much more recent than that, I've seen it in the
latest post in the last hour. [unless I was seeing things]. Haven't seen it since and i
wanted to add to it. Never mind.
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Thanks a lot Trimeresus. Perhaps there might be a job going for you as spare ed
couldn't find it.
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Apologies for spelling your name wrong.
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