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Connemmara | 15:36 Thu 16th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
HAD this on another posting - Can drink 2 and half litres of water a day but definitely do not do pee it out - I do not having bloating or anything -so maybe should I try Cranberry etc. Thanks for any answers. I am typing very badly today.


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What? Do you want to pee more?
Are you sweating lots?
I must have missed your point somehow.

Because you drink 2 and a half litres of water a day, you don't need to pass 2.5litres of urine.

I feel that i have missed your point.
I would find that drinking that amount of Water too bland. Try other drinks such as Pomegranate or Cranberry juice or any other similar.
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you lose at least 1 litre of water a day through what is termed as "insensible loss" ie loss you can't count, such as breathing, sweating, pooing.

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