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The only problem with option 2 is that you are representing a group of people and not yourself. the group you represent are unaware of the problems and they expect you to be fully engaged with the campaign.
If you had only a couple of days left of you being in charge (when a new chair takes over) and up til now you have had to put up with it because, amongst other things they ignore your offers of help, would you then tell them to poke it and leave it up to the new, incomeing chair to pick up the pieces?
TBH I could fill the whole board up with things that have happened but I have summed it up already and the rest would be labouring the point lol Although I have had a bit of a go today. They contacted an organisation for help but were told to go away as they were not a member group. We are and they had to come and ask for my help. I managed to get one of the few digs I could get in :)
Would it be totaly out of order to let them know exactly what I thought of them when the new chair takes over or should I just forget it?