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Racing tips

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queencharlotte | 18:43 Fri 17th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I fancy blueing £1 each way on something tomorrow. Got any good tips, please?


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Delegator 3.45 ascot tommorow
For an e/w bet I'd try "Passion for Gold" at 3.05pm. 10/1 at the moment.
Forgot to say - ^ 3.05pm at Ascot.
2.30 Ascot, Polydamos 16/1
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Thanks Mick, Maid and Elvis. Will let you know how I fared tomorrow, having splured a quid on each of them.
Good luck qc - I hope at least one of us brings you a little success tomorrow!
Just pick names you like.

We were at Ascot this week. We backed an outsider horse called Pisco Sour, because it's the name of a cocktail.

We won £3,200 on it !

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