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so, for all the recently joined 'newbies' where are you all from

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dotty. | 09:46 Fri 17th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
(No real names, addresses, employers or emails required') just the truth.


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....and I will know if you lie.
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Haha, hope Doc has more luck on his fishing expedition that I have lol : ))
I'm new. My name is Lionel and I work for Dynorod.
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hello dotty, i am from Tesco.......... pleased to meet ya
Hi all, My name is Judas, I read the Bible every night and I am planning a trip to the Vatican, Im so excited :-)
just descended from Mt Olympus, dotty, pleased to meet ya. Kindly take me to your leader.
im fairly new-ish, never introduced myself, roxanne, from cardiff...
went to rome in march, absoluely loved it defo worth a visit ratter ;) x
Bless you Roxie, you are new. As most regular readers would know I am a confirmed Atheist with a particular dislike of the Catholic Church, the only reason I would go to the Vatican would be to hang the pope!!

Im sorry, my post was a wind up. However I am sure that Rome is a fantastic place to visit and would like to go there at some point and I thank you for your input.

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so, for all the recently joined 'newbies' where are you all from

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