have several xwords on the go today so have probable muddled my feeble brain. 3d caribbean island noted for it's spices - i have Greneda which gives me d?d?e for12 across -endured, remained and for the life of me can only come up with dodge? please, where have I gone wrong. thanks
thanks for the answers - brain is definitely addled - I have abided for 12 a (which bears no relation to 3d and 13a anyway!) - it's 13a I have the problem with - have D?D?E for the clue endured, remained and can only think of dodge which doesn't fit. Sorry to be so addled brained this morning folks.
have really been silly haven't I - have been getting all the clues and answers mixed up - note to self - thank all the nice people on AB, put kettle on and have a nice cup of tea.
thank you for your patience everyone - I was just having a really serious senior citizen moment - had everything correct but was reading the wrong clue for 13a