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We've changed the font used in Questions & Answers

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AB Editor | 08:53 Wed 22nd Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

This poll is closed.

We've changed the font used in Questions & Answers: What do you think?

  • I Approve - 78 votes
  • 57%
  • I didn't notice! - 44 votes
  • 32%
  • I Disapprove - 16 votes
  • 12%

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Stats until: 01:01 Fri 20th Sep 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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D) I just don't like change and refuse to accept it
e) It's not that I disapprove, I just don't much like it. :o(
do i get cake if i approve?
I think it's better. The previous font was a bit....old ladyish.
Seems OK to me Ed, at least I can read it !
fluffy, most of the cake seems to have gone


Anyone seen B00?

I like it, much easier on my old eyes
Question Author
Glad we've got a positive result!
-- answer removed --
most unfair
I'm afraid I didn't notice.

Having said that, I've just worked out the new logo is a Tennis thing and not a man being attacked by a green and yelllow ostrich
I like it but can't seem to register my vote.

:( sob sniff
I didn't see the poll but I do approve. Much easier to read. I just wish people would use paragraphs more often instead of just typing all in one big block.
Question Author

Sorry you couldn't vote, we've just changed the poll and have put this one up on bricks.


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We've changed the font used in Questions & Answers

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