people seem to become a 'distilled 'version of who they've always been miserable so and so when young...grumpy old git ' nice sweet friendly soul nice old lady... that sort of thing god help the world when I get old thats all I can say
I've just realised I must be getting old. I hate it when shop keepers call me dearie, or sweetie. But I don't think it would look right if I flipped them the bird.
1) Jumping to conclusions
2) Passing the buck
3) Throwing your weight around
4) Pushing your luck
5) Making mountains out of molehills
6) Jumping on the bandwagon
7) Running around in circles
8) Flying off the handle
9) Blowing your own trumpet
10) Adding fuel to the fire
11) Opening a can of worms
12) Putting your foot in your mouth....
Sorry, typo - should be so descriptive, not do. First time I noticed I was old was when someone stood up for me to take their seat in a crowded bus, and when I demurred, they insisted.